The Ways We Know

Monday, May 15, 2006

Is God in Our Genes?

I have never been a particularly religious person. Up until reading this TIMES article about "God genes" I have always attributed my lack of spiritual desires to my upbringing. I was not raised in a religious house hold; however both of my parents were.

The God gene refers to the idea that human spirituality has an innate genetic component to it. It doesn’t mean that there’s one gene that makes people believe in God, but it refers to the fact that humans inherit a predisposition to be spiritual to reach out and look for a higher being.

I have to say this concept makes alot of sense to me. I was not raised religiously, therefore we can attribute my small sense of spirituality to my enviorment. But with my parents, whom both of which were raised in a religious setting more is needed to explain their spiritual lacking. The idea of a God gene fills these holes.

On another note, this idea brings up an entirely different concept. "Back in the day," people used the concept of a God or multiple Gods to give understanding to things they could not explain. I find it very interesting that now we are using science to gain insight to the one thing (god) that many people use for understanding.


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