The Ways We Know

Monday, May 15, 2006

Language and Communication

Words serve to organize and communicate thought. Human beings naturally think, and it is nearly impossible to completely rid ones mind of all thought. However, do we think in words? I would have to say not exactly. Cognitive thought would occur without the existence of words. Would it probably drive us crazy? Yes. Picture this: A giant complex puzzle with pieces that all fit together in a logical fashion, However there’s a catch: the puzzle is completely blank. Now apply this concept to words and thoughts: thoughts being the puzzle pieces and words being the missing pictures on the pieces. The puzzle can still be put together; however, it is done with blind uncertainty with no apparent purpose or outcome. This is how Helen Keller must have felt before her encounter with Miss Sullivan. She must have felt in some sense helpless. She knew that her puzzle fit together, but she was frustrated that she could not express the magnificent picture it created. Her thoughts were always there, words gave her the chance to fill in her missing piece, organize her thoughts, and communicate her ideas.


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