The Ways We Know

Monday, May 15, 2006

Language (again)

My internet has been acting absolutely crazy at home..soo we are going to get a bunch of posts up on one day to play catch up! This is again another comment on really does fascinate me!

Chaos vs. Order is the ultimate dichotomy. Language restricts us not because it is faulty but because communication can only do so much. Words give us the chance to express ourselves but only to a certain extent. But what would we do without those words? Would total chaos occur? Yes, but that is only because we have already instituted a language within our lives. We have made it a necessity. If you rid a culture of something it depends on so much, like language, then chaos is to be expected. For example take the United States Declaration of Independence from the King of Britain.

When we first seceded from the King’s reign we decided not to instill a new form of centralized government because we hated the way our lives were run under Britain’s strict rule. We feared creating that unhappiness again. So what did we do? We did not unite in anyway. States were allowed to make their own laws, and each state did so. This created a strain in the relationships between states. Their basic laws and values didn’t match up, so no state could meet the other’s needs. Therefore, shortly after the United States Declared Independence from not only Britain, but the idea of a restricting structure of government, they realized that the structure that they felt restricted them was the only bond that could keep them united.

In this sense, language is our government. If we declared out independence from language, each individual could function fine on his own. However, when the time comes to unite together we would no longer have a central guide to keep us connected.


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