The Ways We Know

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Artificial Intelligence

Will we ever be able to creat Artifical Intelligence?

My gut reaction to this question is yes. Technology has greatly advanced in just the last fifty years, and it shows now signs of slowing down. However; when I thought more seriously on the question I realized that it is not a cut and dry answer.

Yes, technology is advancing, but now matter how advanced it gets it is still just…technology. In pursuit of A.I. we have to ask ourselves at what point to we consider something to be “intelligent.” Some people argue that a computer opponent on a video game can be considered A.I. Other people counter that stance saying that computers function on a carefully designed binary code that cannot be considered intelligence.

These same people feel that computers are just doing what they are told and that they have been programmed to react in a certain way based on different stimulus. This is true, but why can’t we consider that intelligence? Aren’t humans to some extent pre-programmed to react certain ways in a given situation? When someone throws a punch at you, you duck out of that way. Why? Because you have been informed that if you don’t you will get hurt. Whether it was something you learned form experience or from your parents, most human reactions become in a since programmed.

However, there are many difference between computer pre-programming and Human pre-programming. For starters, humans created computers not vice versus. Also, humans have the inate ability to learn and grown on their own with out anyone telling them to do so. Computers have to be programmed by an outside source in order to do that. However, who's to say that humans were not in a sense genetically programmed by an outside source and given the ability to learn. In that sense, humans would be no different that computers.

Like i said earlier technology is advancing at unbelievably fast pace. With these advancements we gain a better understanding of the human brain. Who's to say that in next hundred years we won't discover that humans are actually completely pre-programmed by some outside source like a computer?